My utopian job

Well this is so sad.

I'm studing cinema and television and this is my last year. So I think I would work in some proyects doing camera or direct sound on a TV show or a crappy indie film, (and if that happend to me I kill myself) But at the best-case scenario, the job I would like to have is: 2D and 3D animator in one of the greatest animations studios.
I imagine working on Pixar, Cartoon Saloon or Disney or something like that; creating characters and backgrounds, concepts arts and sketches, creating beautifuls pieces of art, telling stories by animations.
And in this perfect job I will travel to all over the globe to know differents cultures and studying multiple thing which allow me to create a better animations or story, like Aaron Blaise.
About the salary, I don't know very well, I suppose a lot of money like a cool animator.

I don'tknow why I'm studying cinema and television 😔 I suppose I will take a course of animation to improve my habilities on animation and fulfill my dream of been an animator and create lovely films or even cartoon shows. Or kill myself and put a end to my misery.

This is the most sad post I've ever done. 😢


  1. keep up with the animation thing, you are very talented in that area.

  2. I believe that you will be fine!! It will not be necessary to kill yourself!! jajajaja

  3. I understand your frustration., I have no idea, Why am I studying cinema? So, courage and you can be an animator.

  4. I understand that you have a dream, and the other works are not interesting for you. But you can`t catch your dream in the first try. possibly you have to work in things that you don`t like so much, but with time you can work in animation or wherever you like. hahaha I sound like a movie.


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