If it were for me I would change EVERYTHING of this career, since the curriculum to the faculty facilities. 
Film and TV's career it's so long and heavy because we share subject with other career like Journalism and this subjects are so boring and repetitive. four year of study the same topics in thats subjects. I know, there are a necesary subject, but not for four year and three hours class, thats absurd.
Another thing is the subjects of Fim and TV's career, there are so good and interesting but with the subjects we share with Journalism they are left aside by the test and unnecesary works. 
The workload it's heavy too, because filmming demand so many energy, not only mental but physical too, and it will be ok (because we are sutdying that) but  to that we must add the test and works of others subjects, like investigation works, CFG, and intership, all of this for a one week, and it's so tiring and frustrating.
The length of this career it's simply absurd, five years, you know, FIVE YEARS OF WASTED MONEY! I mean, in others universities of the world this career length at least THREE years, and all living in happy harmony (or I think so).
The building and infrastructure of this career are ok, i think, compared with others faculties.
And the teaching methods are good, in fact the teachers and his methods are really good, they are the diamonds in this crappy faculty (there are some few exception like any other faculty).

Summarize, This career has a lot of work to be the best and be a healthy faculty.


  1. HAHahahahah This is like writing by me !!! I'm not feeling alone y my thoughs anymore! +10

  2. what a hater man, chill out, although i agree with you in most of the stuff you said

  3. I think the same thing, the subjects that we share is too much, maybe two subjects are ok, but there are a lot, and just makes you have less time.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I do agree with you. This STUDY PROGRAMME is shitty.


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