I'd like to Visit USA and been a gringo!

Ok, this is really fun, I think. The country I would like to visit is USA, because all the things I love, like food, movies, video games and toys are in this country, besides, since I was a little boy I like New York and all the hipsters things of this city.
Well, all I know about USA is for movies, comics and video games, they participate in both world wars, they have Apple, Windows, Coca Cola, a dumb president and culture power of all over the world (this it's kinda scary).
Anyway, I think I would visit Time Square, and eat a big hamburger whith cheese in the Liberty's Statue or write a scrip for a film or tv show in some coffe shop, like Woody Allen, and, of course living the american dream (☺).
I like to study Animation in some university and work as animator 2D or 3D in Pixar Dreamworks or Disney, and make awesomes films, in fact, this I really want, but, it's too expensive to me and my family (sad face).
Anyway I like to visit USA and been a gringo for a few days.


  1. I loved the irony contained in this post, hehe. We all hate USA because all the things you said, but studying Animation sounds very nice since they have the best animation studios.
    I would add one thing to your travel, if you do it someday. If I were you, I'd order the biggest hamburger and soda of a Mcdonald's restaurant, like superjumbo size or whatever and then try to finish it all.

  2. You never can travel of USA because you are poor, and you dream will never come true. The dreams are for rich people not for you. In the future you work in the "Mucho Gusto", not in the pixar. I hope you can be happy :) i love you my friend, I will be supporting you.


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Summer Plans!!! Oh yeah!! :D