One of Michel Crichton's Book

This is a difficult task, because I like many authors and books of any kind, but if I've had to choose I choose Michel Crichton.
I allways loved fantasy and sci fi, but lately I read a lot of dark fantasy and techno-thriller, this last one is the narrative stile of Crichton. It's all about of labs and industrial espionage and things like that, it's pretty awesome and dark.
As I said, it's a difficult task, but if I've choose one of Michel Crichton's book I choose "Jurassic Park" and "Next", both of this books talk about industrial espionage and how the labs control and patent nature and our lifestile as well (and yeah, one of them had Dinnosaurs).
One of the last book I've read lately is "The Wise Man's Fear" of Patrick Rothfuss. It's the second part of the "Kingkiller Chronicle" an epic fantasy novel wich talk about an story inside another story, it's pretty complex to explain but it's awesome, read it! NOW!!


  1. I like dark stories, more if they have dinnosaurs. But I really don't know that Jurassic Park have a book, I feel really stupid now :')

  2. who is Michel Crichton, never hear of it LOL. JOking man, seems cool to me, im going to check it out

  3. I have a question. in the book said why the park it`s call Jurassic park and not Cretaceous park ? or it`s just a advertising solution?


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