Another depressing post of a postgraduate studies

Another post of this subject? oh c'mon, this is so depressing to me. (sad face)

Anyway, in the future I would like to continuing studying after my current career, but something different which complements with what I'm studying now (cinema and T.V.). I would like to study animation in some foreing university, I hope in some university of USA or Europe (U.K. or France), but for monetary issues I think I will study in some part-time course here in Chile. I would like too improve in my skills on illustration to get job drawing concept art and things like that.

Whichever the case, the first thing I will do is get a job to cost me the freaking course and learn everything I can, and be part of a animation studio and if everything goes well create a lovely animation short and then a movie and win a lot of awards in festivals and win the second Oscar for Chile in the category of animation and be famous and a role model to all young people and film students.

Ok, that last part I think it's too much, but of getting a job to cost me the course of animation it's real, that and pay the ridiculous debt of the university (thanks for that me of the past)


  1. If you win the second Oscar for Chile, I would expect a good speech in the scenario! Make us proud -or maybe not- but make it great!


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I'd like to Visit USA and been a gringo!

Summer Plans!!! Oh yeah!! :D