Change my past?

Yeah! at last a happy post or not?

Personally I prefer go to the past and see the dinnosaurs, see the first civilizations and empires, go to the golden age of the Partenon in Greece and watch a fight of gladiators in the Colisseum in Rome, see the Ilustration age and the first world wars and all thats stuff, because there are importants and awesome thing in the world history, specially the dinnosaurs.
I  think if I go back to the past I will change several thing:
-I will change the course of the independence of Chile.
-I will kill some importan dudes.
-I will punch in the face of my child me and tell him a lot of things to do in the future.
-I will buy a lot of stocks of differents companies like Apple, Googgle, Microsoft, Facebook.
-Win the Kino and Lotto with my knowledge of the future.
- Steal a egg of Tyrannosaur and raise him to be my friend (and together conquer the world).

But all we know thats it's imposible because the complex world of the physics theory and quantum mechanics. All of I want or do in that past will be in vain because the time lines, If I change the life of my past self I will change his future not my, I allways be the same guy because of my time line, only I would be the guy who travel to the time, but nothingmore. We are only a tiny grains of sand in this big hourglass.

The past has fled, what you hope is absent, but the present is yours. 
Arabian proverb.

<<Ps. Sometimes I'm so deep and cool. 😎>>


  1. Hey, sound crazy but I love all yours ideas. Them remember me to 'Fuung Furry': A lot of crazy things than make sense in a strange way.

  2. I support your ideas, because this is very crazy and entertaining. The end of the blog, You you're right, WE ARE NOT ANYTHING!


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I'd like to Visit USA and been a gringo!

Summer Plans!!! Oh yeah!! :D